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On March 24, on the stage of the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, the St. Petersburg State Musical Comedy Theater presents a Gala concert of musical stars from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In July 2023, a bright show with the participation of Ivan Ozhogin, Kirill Gordeev, Dmitry Ermak, Alexander Kazmin, Manana Gogitidze, Elena Gazaeva, Natalia Dievskaya and other soloists of the largest projects in the musical genre, implemented in two capitals, was first shown on the stage of the Great Concert Hall.

His program included numbers from such bestsellers as “Vampire Ball”, “Zorro”, “Mozart”, “Jekyll and Hyde”, “Mamma Mia!” and others, as well as leaders of pop charts from the repertoire of Edith Piaf and Tom Jones.

“Amazing!”, “Goosebumps!”, “Wonderful!”, “Great!”, “Driving!”, “Great show!” – the reviews from the audience who attended the gala were dominated by admiration and endless requests to repeat the concert.

In the new year, the theater presents a new version of the Gala Concert, in which new episodes will complement the best, time-tested and stage-tested hits that the audience loves so much. And again, under the arches of the city’s main concert venue, a colorful musical panorama will unfold, in which the artistry of the vocalists and dancers will compete with the drive and virtuoso skill of the orchestra conducted by maestro Alexey Nefedov.

Unique lighting solutions, incredible video sequences and original stage solutions are what distinguish each theater concert program and remain in the memory of the audience for a long time.
Do not miss!

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Staging group:

Musical director and conductor – Alexey Nefedov
Director –  Alexander Sukhanov
Production designer –  Irina Dolgova
Choreographers –  Irina Satyukova, Alexandra Kosik, Iskander Fakhrutdinov
Lighting designer –  Denis Solntsev
Animators – Anastasia Andreeva, Ksenia Kalinina
Sound designer – Valentin Shishkin
Assistant choreographer –  Ivan Dremin
Responsible accompanist – Olga Bronskikh

Characters and Performers:


Elena Gazaeva
Honored Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania

Agata Vavilova
laureate of the Golden Mask and Golden Spotlight awards

Manana Gogitidze
laureate of the Golden Mask Award

Dmitry Ermak
laureate of the Golden Mask Award

Ivan Ozhogin
laureate of the Golden Mask and Golden Soffit awards

Kirill Gordeev
laureate of the Golden Sofit Award

Natalia Bystrova
laureate of the "Musical Heart of the Theatre" award

Jaroslav Bayarunas

Anastasia Vishnevskaya

Natalia Dievskaya

Alexander Kazmin

Georgy Novitsky

Alexander Sukhanov

The concert is attended by an orchestra, ballet and theater choir.

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