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Congratulations to our colleagues!

We sincerely congratulate the entire staff of this wonderful theater, we wish bright productions, loyal spectators, success and prosperity!

The artists of our theater, laureates of international competitions Elizaveta Belousova and Roman Vokuev, and the chief conductor, Honored Artist of Russia Andrei Alekseev, took part in the festive concert "Anniversary Fest" dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Novosibirsk Musical Theater - a theater with which the Musical Comedy has been linked by years of creative friendship, including festival “Other Shores”, in which the Musical Comedy Theater took part more than once.

Елизавета Белоусова и Роман ВокуевЕлизавета Белоусова и Роман Вокуев

Елизавета Белоусова и Роман Вокуевучастники концерта 

Also on February 2, the Government of the Novosibirsk Region hosted a meeting between First Deputy Governor Yuri Petukhov and theater directors from Russia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Belarus. They discussed the prospects for creative cooperation between musical institutions, including organizing tours. The meeting was attended by General Director of the St. Petersburg Musical Comedy Theater Yuri Schwarzkopf.