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On October 27-30, within the framework of the "Big Tours - Interregional Program" project, the St. Petersburg State Theater of Musical Comedy will for the first time present on the stage of the Opera and Ballet Theater of the Komi Republic three performances in the genre of classical operetta and a spectacular gala concert with the participation of the leading soloists of the troupe, ballet dancers and accompanied by a large theater orchestra.

The tour poster opened on October 27 with the passionate and vibrant Frasquita to music by Franz Lehár and directed by the world-renowned Hungarian director Gabor Kerenyi. On October 28, the baton was continued by Franz Lehar's "The Count of Luxembourg" - twice awarded the prestigious St. Petersburg Prize in acting nominations, an operetta set in the bohemian district of Paris - Montmartre. On October 29, the charming lyrical comedy Summer of Love by the Hungarian composer Lajos Laitai reminded that every family story had its own summer full of love. And the sparkling gala concert of operetta stars on October 30, completing the tour, demonstrated the best forces of the troupe - lyric arias, cascade duets and ballet miniatures performed by the leading soloists of the theater. 

The tours became possible thanks to the interregional program of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation "Big Tours" and are a return visit of Petersburgers: in May the best performances of the repertoire of the Opera and Ballet Theater of the Komi Republic showed on the stage of the Theater of Musical Comedy in the Northern Capital.

We sincerely thank the Theater of Opera and Ballet of the Komi Republic for their support and hospitality, and the audience for the warm welcome, sincere emotions and constant applause!