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08.10.2023 Congratulations!

Congratulations on the premiere to all participants and creators of the play "FRANKENSTEIN"!!!

The theatre has begun work on a new production - operetta "The Princess of Csardas" by Imre Kalman, the premiere of which is scheduled for March 2024.
On September 22, all the team gathered together for the first time.


On September 5, the Honored Artist of Russia VALENTINA SVIRIDOVA celebrated her anniversary!

Валентина Свиридова

05.09.2023 LAST SHOW!

On September 5, the Theater said goodbye to Imre Kalman's operetta "SILVA" staged by Vyacheslav Tsyupa.

The nominees of the Highest Theater Award of St. Petersburg  Golden Sofit  based on the results of the 2022-2023 season were announced.

Congratulations to all the creators and participants of the Gala Concert of Musical Stars, which was held on July 12 on the stage of the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall with great success!

06.07.2023 Exchange tour

In the period from June 30 to July 2, within the framework of the interregional direction of the "Big Tours" project, the exchange tours of the St. Petersburg Theater of Musical Comedy and the Sevastopol Academic Russian Drama Theater n. a. A. Lunacharsky.

Гастроли в Севастополе

15.06.2023 Congratulations!

Congratulations on the premiere all the participants and creators of the play "The Circus Princess"!!!

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