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The Mistress of the Copper Mountain

Musical in two acts by Gleb Matveychuk (12+)
The premiere will take place on March 21, 2025
Big stage
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Nearest performances:
21 March 2025 (FRI), 19:00buy tickets
22 March 2025 (SA), 13:00buy tickets
22 March 2025 (SA), 19:00buy tickets
23 March 2025 (SUN), 13:00buy tickets
23 March 2025 (SUN), 19:00buy tickets
3 May 2025 (SA), 19:00buy tickets
4 May 2025 (SUN), 19:00buy tickets

On March 21, the Theatre of Musical Comedy will present the premiere of the family-friendly play "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain" to the music of the famous contemporary composer Gleb Matveychuk. The new production is based on an original libretto based on the famous tales of Pavel Bazhov, an outstanding original writer who praised the riches of the Ural mineral wealth and the talented craftsmen who achieved incredible heights in the processing of local gems. In his books, Bazhov spoke about the value and price of creativity, humanity, love, and that without them no craftsman can create a true work of art. The creators of the musical intertwined five different tales of the writer and supplemented the author's plots with new motifs. Learn the backstory of the enchanted mistress of the stone depths, unravel all the secrets of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and the legendary Stone Flower, empathize with the misadventures of the heroes and believe in the victory of good - after all, "stone obeys only love" - ​​this is what the creators of the musical offer the viewer.

In the new performance, decided according to the laws of modern musical theater, the young viewer will be enchanted by the very fairy tale, which contains both a lie and a hint. And the sophisticated viewer will not remain indifferent thanks to the bright characters, sharp plot twists, spectacular dances, fantasy artistic solution and, of course, music.

The production will be carried out by the author of the idea, composer and one of the creators of the libretto Gleb Matveychuk. His musical for the whole family "Alice and Wonderland" has occupied a strong position in the theater's repertoire for several seasons. The artistic design will be created by the well-known St. Petersburg set designer Sergei Novikov (works on the stage of the Musical Comedy Theatre - "Cox and Box in Court", "Tom Sawyer", "The Mousetrap"). The musical director and conductor is the laureate of the Russian Government Prize Alexei Nefedov.

Gleb Matveychuk, composer, author of the libretto, director: "I would like to dedicate this project to a real artist, my father, Alim Ivanovich Matveychuk. For me, he has always been an example: he went through a very difficult path, overcame a lot and achieved everything himself. My father is the standard of a real artist and a true creator.
The mystical tales of Pavel Bazhov, created on the basis of Ural folklore, are the national treasure of Russia. Our performance touches on topics that are always relevant: moral and ethical choice, the power of true love, creative search and loyalty to a dream, eternal life values ​​and guidelines. "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain" helps both adults and children realize that the main gems are the treasures of the human soul and the endless expanses of the world."

Staging group:

Libretto by Sophia Streisand and Gleb Matveychuk
Poems by Elena Khanpira

Director – Gleb Matveychuk
Musical Director and Conductor – Alexey Nefedov
Set Designer – Sergey Novikov
Choreographer – Iskander Fakhrutdinov
Lighting Designer – Ivan Vinogradov
Assistant Director – Svetlana Zakharova
Assistant Choreographer – Ivan Dremin
Assistant Musical Director for Vocals – Elena Bulanova
Chief Accompanist – Olga Bronskikh

Characters and Performers:


The cast will be announced later







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