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Musical fantasy based on the operetta of the same name by Franz Lehar (12+)

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The operetta “The Count of Luxembourg” is one of the theater’s most popular performances, which was appreciated by audiences in various cities from Sevastopol to Tallinn. It has been in the repertoire for more than ten years.

Reviews about this cheerful adventure of the old prince-ladiesman in the capital of lovers - Paris indicate that the story a hundred years ago has not lost its relevance since its premiere at the beginning of the 20th century and could well happen today. “One young lady insisted on marriage and married a homeless artist who was stuck in loans. The second young beauty singer fell in love with the young slob-spender Count of Luxembourg, missing her chance to marry a wealthy and accomplished man - the Prince, even though he was older. I don't envy these girls. One will face “hungry love in credits”, and the other will face nervous stress and betrayal by the gulena-count. Don’t fall for empty men’s chatter, but look at their actions,” the viewer sums up her impressions.

The artists of the Musical Comedy Theater will talk about how to make the right choice without betraying yourself, to the sounds of the enchanting music of Franz Lehár. And in this story there is a place for comic picks, and for love affairs and for a real duel of proud characters.

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