My fair ladyMusical comedy in two acts by Frederick Loewe Book and Lyrics by Music by Adapted from George Bernard Shaw’s Play and Stage Director - Laureate of the Golden Mask Prize Grigory Dityatkovsky Musical Director and Conductor - Honored Artist of Russia Andrey Alekseev Scenography - Honored Artist of Russia Vladimir Firer Choreographer - Nadezhda Kalinina Lighting Designer - Gidal Shugaev
Original Production Directed by Moss Hart MY FAIR LADY is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd. on behalf of Tams-Witmark LLC. www.concordtheatricals.co.uk Opening night of the performance took place on 26th of November 2021.
On November 26, the heroes of F. Loewe musical comedy My Fair Lady, which will be the first premiere of the season, will appear on the stage of the St. Petersburg Theater of Musical Comedy. The story of the London flower girl Eliza Doolittle, told by Bernard Shaw and translated with his participation into the language of first musical theater and then cinema, conquered the whole world. And the brilliant Julie Andrews, who played the role of Eliza on the stage, and Audrey Hepburn, who played this role in the cinema, for many years became the standard models of the image of "Beautiful Galatea" of the early 20th century. The first production of this work on the stage of the Leningrad Musical Comedy Theater took place in 1964. Zoya Vinogradova, Alfred Shargorodsky, Lev Petropavlovsky and Vitaly Kopylov shone in the performance, which became a real repertoire hit of those years and lasted until the early 80s. The new production will be carried out by the famous director, laureate of the Golden Mask award Grigory Dityatkovsky. Musical director and conductor - Honored Artist of Russia Andrey Alekseev. Scenography by the Honored Artist of Russia Vladimir Firer. |