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Veremey Tatiana

She was born in Leningrad. In 1995 graduated from Saint-Petersburg state theatre arts academy (department of actors of drama theatre, class by A. Kunitsin and G. Barysheva). In the same year she was invited to the probationer’s group of Saint-Petersburg Theatre of Musical Comedy and soon was taken to the troupe.

Today in her repertoire there are: Mother of Ben (“Edventures of Tom Soyer” by S. Banevich), Wife of Bluebeard and Luisa (“Bluebeard” and "Parisian Life" by J. Offenbach), Silvia (“The Merry Widow” by F. Lehar), Skomorokh (“Levsha” by V. Dmitriev”), Vera Zasulich and Militant Revolutionary («Bely. Petersburg.» by G. Firtich).