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Performance-concert  ()
The performance is recommended for viewers aged 12 and above
Studio stage
No tickets

Staging group:

Musical Director and Conductor - Honored Artist of Russia Andrey Alekseev

Director and choreographer  - Vladimir Romanovskiy

Designer - Irina Dolgova

Characters and Performers:


Valentina Kosobutskaya
honoured actress of Russia
laureate of "Golden sofit" and "Golden mask" awards

Svetlana Lugova
honoured actress of Russia,
laureate of prize "Golden Sofit

Oleg Fleer
honoured actor of Ukraine

Anna Bulgak
laureate of International competitions

Oksana Krupnova
laureate of International competition

Anastasia Loshakova
laureate of International competition

Victoria Moun
laureate of international competitions

Natalia Savchenko
laureate of International competition

Karina Chepurnova
laureate of "Golden Sofit" award,
laureate of International competitions

Aleksandr Krukovsky
laureate of "Golden sofit" awards

Fyodor Osipov
laureate of International competition

Oleg Romashin 
laureate of International competition

Vladimir Yarosh
laureate of International competition

Oleg Korz


Ballet dancers also take part in the concert

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